Cloud Networking Services - Cloud Computing, Storage and Connectivity

February 22, 2025
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Colocation Hosting, Datacenter Services

Colocation With Your Cloud Service Provider
The way to make bandwidth, latency, jitter and packet loss issues disappear is colocation with your service provider

By: John Shepler

There’s a new migration on. No, not the migration from local data centers to the cloud. It’s a migration of cloud service providers to colocate with their customers.

The Telecom Link Is The Weak Link
Why? It’s the rude awakening that companies suffer when they find that applications running way out there don’t have the same zip as the ones running on servers down the hall. That can be fixed, of course. It requires engineering your connections to the cloud so that they have sufficient amounts of bandwidth and very low latency, jitter and packet loss. But why go that that expense when you can just cozy up to your service provider with little more than a long patch cord connecting you?

Which Companies Need Colocation?
There are a couple of big crunches that strain the cloud service model. One is business processes that are now automated and support hundreds or thousands of employees. The other is high performance e-commerce, with enormous catalogs and thousands of simultaneous shoppers who have little patience for sluggish servers and none at all for errors in their shopping experience.

How The Cloud Has Outpaced The Network
The cloud is becoming a victim of its own success. Cloud service providers have mastered the technology of being able to ramp up or down the number of servers online in a matter of seconds. Storage is a bottomless well that data fills as needed. Public-facing bandwidth is easily handled with multiple Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Internet connections with enough margin to serve all customers. While cloud companies have gotten used to this scale of resources, most businesses have not. They don’t have the private line connectivity to take full advantage of near-infinite, near-instantaneous computing resources.

You May Save Money With Colocation
More savvy companies have mastered the connectivity issues, but who’s going to turn down the opportunity to get more performance for less money? The notion of being on the same floor of the same building with your service provider and ditching the telecom line in favor of a local fiber or wire connection has a lot of appeal. The issues of bandwidth, latency, jitter, and packet loss simply disappear.

Attractive Locations For Cloud Service Providers
A lot of medium and larger companies already have equipment in colocation centers, such as Telx. The economic tradeoff between running your own environmentally controlled facilities with backup power, fire suppression and round the clock monitoring and simply renting space in a larger facility with its economies of scale makes colocation attractive. On top of that is the fact that you have easier access to competitive carrier services with more attractive pricing than you can get locally. Now, add to these advantages the opportunity to connect to a cloud service provider in-house and you are looking at really attractive cost vs performance figures.

Cloud Networking Services Support
Get complementary consulting and the best pricing on cloud computing infrastructure, UCaaS cloud based unified communications as a service, colocation hosting, data center services and cloud connectivity including managed SDN software defined networking and SD-WAN. Find out what network services and pricing are available now for your commercial locations. Simply use this handy form...


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Our extensive cloud and telecom line services are provided by Telarus, Inc., a premier bandwidth & cloud service broker and master agency. Please provide accurate phone & email contact information or call toll free for support anytime at 1-888-848-8749. All information you provide will be used only to support your inquiry and will not be shared.


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